Resource Services
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Academic Technology Services
Services provided by Academic Technology housed under the Division of Information Technology include: academic computer labs, accessible technology, Blackboard, Camtasia Studio and Relay, Cayuse, course and instructional design, faculty training, Turnitin, lecturer capture, Zoom web conferencing, etc.
Online Instructional SupportThe Academic Technologies team collaborates with the Faculty Development Center (FDC) to support instructors in creating, designing, redesigning, or adapting courses as defined by the instructor (instructional design, Blackboard Training, online learning, distance education, Educational Technology, Academic Technology, instructional technology, online teaching).
The Academic Technology department digitizes media into an audio or video format, uploads media file to a private media server, and provides faculty with a video hyperlink, which can be shared or embedded as needed.
New CSUDH faculty who do not have prior Blackboard teaching experience are encouraged to attend introductory training at the beginning of each semester.
- Group training sessions are scheduled each semester/session.
- Training can be scheduled by appointment.
- Walk-in training can take place if Instructional Technologists are available.
For assistance, contact Reza Boroon, Academic Technology Director at (310) 243-2524 or LIB-5723.
For more information, visit:
Center for Service Learning, Internships, and Civic Engagement (SLICE)
SLICE assists students, faculty, and staff with experiential learning opportunities, community-based participatory research, and community engagement opportunities. The Center develops community partnerships to promote internship and volunteer placements. If you are considering starting a service learning class, call (310) 243-2438, or visit the SLICE website.
Department Office Staff and Chair
For specific information about matters in your respective department, feel free to contact the department chair and/or department staff person for assistance. They will be glad to hear from you. We often have lecturers from whom we do not hear anything; we would rather hear from you on what may seem to you like trivial matters than not hear from you at all.
Facilities Services
Services provided by Facilities Services include: backed up toilets, flooded restrooms, air conditioning/heating, custodial services, light fixtures, etc. Call (310) 243-3804 or extension 3587.
Library Services
Services provided by the University Library include: research and instruction, Blackboard integration, information literacy program, course reserves, affordable learning solutions, convert text to speech and more. For more information, visit the University Library website.
Office of Faculty Affairs and Development
Services provided by the Office of Faculty Affairs and Development include professional, personnel, and labor relation services for Unit 3 faculty unit employees. For more information, visit the Office of Faculty Affairs and Development website.
Payroll Services
CSUDH pays you according to a separate schedule for each semester. Consult the published Payroll Calendar.
Risk Management and Internal Controls
Services provided by Risk Management and Internal Controls include: assessments, education and training, and technical assistance.
Security and Emergency Procedures
The University Police/Parking Department provides a safety escort program for students, faculty and staff. The Student Safety Patrol is available all hours of the day and night and is not limited to the (Monday through Thursday, 6pm-11pm) timeframe.
To request an escort: Call University Police at x3639 or at (310) 243-3639 or stop by the University Police Station in Welch Hall 100.
Fire/Police/Medical (serious accident or illness-related injuries)
- 24-Hour Emergency
911 from any campus phone, or (310) 243-3333 from a cell phone on campus (911 cell phone calls are typically routed to the CHP depending on the service provider).
- 24-Hour Non-Emergency
(310) 243-3639 or campus phones 3639
To obtain information on the status of classes and university operations in the event of an emergency call: (866) 747-8827.
To Report an Emergency
- Give your name, telephone number and location.
- Give clear and accurate information.
- Be prepared to supply suspect and vehicle description, and direction of travel.
- DON’T HANG UP! Follow the instructions of the dispatcher.
Emergency Broadcast Information
To access a recorded message regarding campus status in the event of an emergency, please contact the Emergency Hotline at toll-free number (866) 747-8827.
Emergency Preparedness
For more information on the campus emergency preparedness, videos, campus evacuation maps and more, visit:
Emergency Telephone Boxes
Call boxes with blue lights are mounted on poles or red towers in parking lots and around campus. Press the button to be automatically connected to campus police. Emergency phones are also located in campus elevators.
Make sure your emergency contact information is up to date in your MyCSUDH profile. This is the information the campus will use to reach you in the event of an emergency.
Student Conduct or Concern Resources
Every university-issued computer has a “RED FOLDER” (SEE something. SAY something. DO something) desktop icon with information and resources from the CSU System; some of the CSUDH specific resources listed here are:
- Center for Advocacy, Prevention and Empowerment (CAPE)
- Student Conduct Procedures
- Student Conduct Incident Reporting Form | Student Conduct Office: Division of Student Affairs, Welch Hall 410, (310) 243-2801
- Title IX – Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Misconduct and Dating/Domestic Violence incident Report Form
- Title IX Officer and staff | Welch Hall 470, (310) 243-3492
Student Support Services
The following are some of the support services available to students on campus:
- Associated Students, Incorporated: Advocates for student rights, serves as the student voice, scholarships, internship opportunities, etc.
- Career Center
- Dean of Students
- Food and Shelter Resources
- Culture and Identity Centers - composed of six centers that collectively provide spaces for community building, offer programming to support students’ development and belonging, and advocate for inclusivity and equity.
- Older Adult Center (Student Support Resources)
- Student disability Resource Center
- Student Health and Psychological Services
- Immigrant Justice Center
- Toro Learning and Testing Center: Offers all students tutoring and testing assistance.
- Veterans Resource Center: Provides advisors, mentors, academic workshops, and holistic personal and professional development opportunities to help students’ transition to the university.
- Student Success Centers: Undergraduate student advisement centers.
- Women's Resource Center
- Writing Center